Finding Inspiration
August 20, 2024
How to do what you do, day after day, despite discouragement.
Barrel Racers, have you ever had a disappointing run? Even a picture-perfect run, but your horse didn’t fire like usual, and maybe felt sore, but you couldn’t be certain where at. Despair surfaces. Or are you running a green horse introducing him to a rodeo atmosphere for the first time. Rodeo is full of the highest highs and the lowest lows. It’s easy to get weary from the roller coaster ride. Have you ever been discouraged enough to ask yourself, “Why do I do this? It seems like there is always something. I thought it was supposed to be fun.”
Jerry Jenkins, renowned author of the Left Behind series, expounded on how to “find inspiration to write day after day” in his Newsletter for Aug. 6, 2024. He was talking about writing, but I found his words relevant to barrel racing also. He explained how the idea that writing is fun, even enjoyable is a myth. He explains that writing done well is grueling. Reflecting on his words and considering his premise, I decided barrel racing is the same….
Let me share his words about writing and see if you agree that they are equally applicable for barrel racing.
Newsletter for Aug. 6, 2024 RE: Finding Inspiration to write, day after day.
Here’s a common myth, writers.
Writing is fun, even enjoyable.
The fact is, writing done well is grueling, and I ought to know. I’ve been doing it for half a century and am blessed and humbled to have made it my career. But I don’t love the writing itself.
Oh, I love BEING a writer, love that I can do it, love being known for it, and love everything it’s brought me. I especially love hearing that my writing has made a difference in someone’s life.
But do I love writing itself? No. In fact, often I dread it, hate it, put it off. I compare it to marathon running—not that I’ve ever attempted that.
But ask a marathoner at the 20-mile mark if they don’t just love running, and you’re not likely to get the response you expect.
Like me, they love training, getting better, and being recognized for what they do. They enjoy knowing they can accomplish something unique. But do they love the grueling nature of the activity itself?
I don’t.
What I really love is having written.
So don’t feel alone if you’re frustrated, sometimes feeling you can’t produce a single word.
I know what you’re going through. It’s not uncommon for me to roll out of bed wishing to do anything but write.
But I also know how to get unstuck.
What many call Writer’s Block is likely something much deeper stifling your creativity.
It could be the fear that you’re not a good writer, and so you feel you should just give up.
You might feel frozen by perfectionism.
Or, the problem might simply be too many distractions in your life.
Whatever the reason, try these methods to spark inspiration:
1. Determine What You’re Trying to Say
Wanting to be a writer just for the sake of being a writer isn’t going to cut it. If you sit wondering what to write, you’re going about this all wrong.
Don’t just write to write. Write because you have something to say.
What you write about should come from your passions. What gets you up in the morning? What do you really care about? Wanting to entertain with a page-turning tale might be enough. But what’s the point of your story, the message of your nonfiction book, your theme? What do you want readers to take from your writing?
2. Inject Conflict
Yes, even in nonfiction. Conflict is the engine of fiction, but conflict also keeps nonfiction readers turning the pages.
These two methods alone can help add purpose to your writing and keep you pushing, regardless of how grueling the process may be.
Try them to help reignite your creativity and passion for writing.
Considering I’m a writer and barrel racer, I’ve been frustrated and wondered: “Why do I do this? Can I keep doing this day after day?” I’ve searched for the answer to that question many times. Gaining wisdom from Jerry Jenkins about writing, I applied it to barrel racing also. Wherever Jerry used the word “writing” I swapped in the word “barrel racing”. The result was thought provoking.
Here’s a common myth, Barrel Racers.
Barrel Racing is fun, even enjoyable.
The fact is barrel racing done well is grueling. And I ought to know. I’ve been doing it for half a century and am blessed and humbled to have made it my career. But I don’t’ love barrel racing itself.
Oh, I love BEING a barrel racer, love that I can do it, love being known for it, and love everything it’s brought me. I especially love hearing that my barrel racing has made a difference in someone’s life.
But do I love barrel racing itself?
No. In fact, often I dread it, hate it, put it off.
I compare it to marathon running—not that I’ve ever attempted that.
But ask a marathoner at the 20-mile mark if they don’t just love running, and you’re not likely to get the response you expect.
Like me, they love training, getting better, and being recognized for what they do.
They enjoy knowing they can accomplish something unique. But do they love the grueling nature of the activity itself?
I don’t.
What I really love is having barrel raced.
So don’t feel alone if you’re frustrated, sometimes feeling you can’t produce a single good run.
I know what you’re going through. It’s not uncommon for me to roll out of bed wishing to do anything but barrel race or ride.
But I also know how to get unstuck.
What many call a slump is likely something much deeper stifling your ability as a barrel racer.
It could be the fear that you’re not a good barrel racer, and so you feel you should just give up.
You might feel frozen by perfectionism.
Or the problem might simply be too many distractions in your life.
Whatever the reason, try these methods to spark motivation:
1. Determine What You’re Trying to Do
Wanting to be a barrel racer just for the sake of being a barrel racer isn’t going to cut it. If you sit wondering why ride, you’re going about this all wrong.
Don’t just ride to ride. Ride because you want to accomplish something.
Why you barrel race should come from your passions. What gets you up in the morning? What do you really care about? Wanting to enter a barrel race might be enough. But what is your story, your message, your theme? What do you want to get out of barrel racing? Like any sport, barrel racing involves battling within yourself to achieve your best. Goals must be reset over and over.
2. Inject Conflict
Yes, conflict is the engine that drives motivation. It’s a tension that must be conquered. It’s that battle to be the best. You can inject conflict by simply adding 15 minutes to your conditioning program. Sometimes conflict is injected when your horse gets injured. Or it can be a scheduling conflict, or a financial predicament. Whatever it is adds challenge and keeps you pushing, regardless of how grueling the process may be.
Use these two things to help reignite your motivation and passion.
(I’m a Gold Card member of the WPRA, so I’ve experienced these feelings, but this might have been written by any veteran barrel racer.)
It sparked inspiration. I wanted to continue the grueling nature of barrel racing, day after day! It reignited my creativity and passion. Because I love BEING a barrel racer. Disappointment vanished; Discouragement disappeared.
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