Everyone has their own style. Find Yours. Every horse has their own style. Find it. Once you do perfecting it becomes much easier. Is there something you do every day that builds a stronger team for you? Is there something you do that builds a bond between you and your horse? Thoughtful affection is powerful.
A sense of purpose beyond just the run develops cohesiveness and commitment. The better you understand what motivates you and your horse the more targeted and effective your performance will be. Focused, authentic attention, builds trust and goodwill and you are more likely to make a great run when you feel genuine connection. Feel urgency to understand something you can't see. Find things you don't know the answer to. Try things - not knowing where it will take you; not knowing really what you're looking for; and certainly, with no clear idea that it's the thing that finally works and makes the Winning Run! Develop your unique style. Be focused. Be fast. Be fabulous.
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